A collection of World War II history memes.

The Second World War, generally known as World War II, was a conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945 and involved almost every region of the globe.

The main combatants were the Allies, which included France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China, and on the other side - the Axis forces, which included Germany, Italy, and Japan.

After an uneasy 20-year break, the war in many ways carried on the conflicts that World War I left unresolved. As the largest and bloodiest war in history, World War II claimed the lives of between 40 and 50 million people. The war ended with the Allies claiming the victory, and fall of the regimes in the Axis countries.

Here is a collection of history memes to help you navigate the events that happened during WWII.

These World War II memes are not intended to offend anyone, but to help younger generations learn about important historical events in a fun way.

Switzerland and the rest of Europe in WWII

Switzerland and the rest of Europe in WWII

placed by vforvoice 6 months ago

Replies: 0

Year: 1939

Country: Switzerland